Results for 'Milica Czerny Urban'

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  1.  50
    A Critical Assessment of the Kleingeld – Bernasconi Debate On Kant’s Racism.Jelena Govedarica & Milica Smajević Roljić - 2024 - Con-Textos Kantianos (20):73 - 86.
    This paper offers a critical evaluation of the arguments that Kleingeld and Bernasconi used to support their claims regarding the idea that Immanuel Kant held racist beliefs. Firstly, we will criticize the views on which they agree, aiming to emphasize our understanding of Kant’s thoughts on race. Secondly, we will assess the significance of Kant’s draft for Towards Perpetual Peace when considering the debate over Kant’s racism, and show that Bernasconi’s interpretation — according to which Kant presented racist views in (...)
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  2. Standardni narativ rane moderne filozofije: Glavni nedostaci i Kantov uticaj.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2021 - Theoria: Beograd 64 (3):113-126.
    Tokom dvadesetog veka na engleskom govornom području uspostavljen je standardni narativ rane moderne filozofije prema kome se svi autori ovog perioda dele u dve škole mišljenja: racionalističku i empirističku. Glavni cilj postavljen u ovom tekstu jeste da se ispitivanjem centralnih odlika ovog narativa pokaže njegova nepot- punost i neadekvatnost u prikazivanju filozofskih odnosa koji su postojali među figu- rama sedamnaestog i osamnaestog veka. Videćemo da su u poslednjih nekoliko dece- nija iznete ubedljive kritike ove teorije, kojima se predočavaju njeni glavni (...)
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  3. Može li se odbraniti transcendentalna sloboda?Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2019 - Theoria: Beograd 62 (3):39-52.
    Centralno pitanje koje se postavlja u ovom radu jeste da li je i na koji način moguće odbraniti Kantov pojam transcendentalne slobode. U cilju pružanja odgovora na ovo pitanje ispituje se argument treće antinomije, kao i primena rešenja -/- ove antinomije na sferu ljudskog delanja. Uporednom analizom najzastupljenijih in- -/- terpretacija Kantove pozicije, dolazi se do zaključka da je ideja transcendentalne -/- slobode plauzibilna, ali samo ukoliko prihvatimo osnovne pojmove na kojima počiva -/- Kantova filozofija, na prvom mestu doktrinu transcendentalnog (...)
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  4. Dedukcija moralnosti i slobode u Kantovoj etici.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2020 - Theoria: Beograd 63 (1):29-42.
    U trećem odseku Zasnivanja metafizike morala Kant nastoji da, na osno­ vu ideje o nužnom pretpostavljanju slobode, pruži dedukciju vrhovnog moralnog prin­ cipa i da dokaže njegovo objektivno važenje. Tri godine kasnije, u Kritici praktičkog -/- uma, on eksplicitno poriče mogućnost izvođenja navedene dedukcije i promenom meto­ doloških postavki pokušava da pokaže da svest o moralnom zakonu kao činjenici uma -/- predstavlja osnovu za dedukciju slobode. U ovom radu ćemo zastupati stav da direktan -/- kontrast između dva Kantova teksta jasno (...)
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  5. Nekontekstualistička i kontekstualistička verzija teorije relevantnih alternativa kao moguća rešenja skeptičkog paradoksa.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2014 - Theoria: Beograd 3 (57):23-41.
    U ovom radu analizira se rešenje skeptičkog paradoksa koje pruža teorija relevantnih alternativa. Ispituju se i upoređuju dve verzije ovog rešenja: nekontekstualistič- ka čiji je tvorac i zastupnik Fred Drecke, i kontekstualistička koju zastupaju autori poput Kita Dirouza i Stjuarta Koena. Uporednom analizom nekontekstualističkog i kontekstuali- stičkog rešenja, dolazi se do zaključka da, iako oba rešenja imaju i povoljne i nepovoljne implikacije, Dreckeova teorija relevantnih alternativa nudi uverljivije objašnjenje, a zatim i rešenje skeptičkog paradoksa.
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  6. An Interpretation of the Educational Process from the Perspective of Kant's Philosophy of History and Legal-Political Theory.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2021 - In Igor Cvejić, Predrag Krstić, Nataša Lacković & Olga Nikolić (eds.), Liberating Education: What From, What For? Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. pp. 83-100.
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  7. Conversations with Kant: On the Right to Revolution.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2023 - In Nenad Cekić (ed.), Virtues and vices – between ethics and epistemology. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. pp. 191-202.
    It is often argued that Kant’s understanding of the right to revolution is contradictory. On the one hand, he expresses enthusiasm for the French Revolution and the ideas on which it rests, while on the other, he openly denies the existence of a legal right to revolution. This paper aims to make Kant’s position plausible by showing that he does not deny the right to revolution in all states, but only in those that fulfill the purpose for which they were (...)
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  8. Kantov kategorički imperativ kao vodič za moralno ispravno postupanje.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2021 - In Banjalučki novembarski susreti. Бања Лука 78000, Босна и Херцеговина: pp. 357-370.
    Aktuelna pandemija virusa korona navela je mnoge pojedince da preispitaju usvojene obrasce ponašanja. Savremeni čovek, naviknut da najčešće odlučuje i dela u skladu sa sopstvenim interesima i željama, suočava se danas sa zahtevom da svoje postupke podredi opštem dobru. U doba pandemije kada svaki vid neopreznog i nesavesnog delanja može predstavljati opasnost kako po samog delatnika, tako i po njegove bližnje, postavlja se pitanje: kako treba postupati i u skladu sa kojim načelima? Odgovor na ovu važnu nedoumicu možemo pronaći ispitivanjem (...)
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  9. Excavating Belief About Past Experience: Experiential Dynamics of the Reflective Act.Urban Kordeš & Ema Demšar - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):219-229.
    Context: Philosophical and - more recently - empirical approaches to the study of mind have recognized the research of lived experience as crucial for the understanding of their subject matter. Such research is faced with self-referentiality: every attempt at examining the experience seems to change the experience in question. This so-called “excavation fallacy” has been taken by many to undermine the possibility of first-person inquiry as a form of scientific practice. Problem: What is the epistemic character and value of reflectively (...)
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  10. Barbara Herman, Morality as Rationality: A Study of Kant’s Ethics, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, 2016. [REVIEW]Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31:265-267.
    In her book Morality as Rationality: A Study of Kant’s Ethics, Barbara Herman set a clear goal: to show that the central claims of Kant’s ethics can be properly understood only if we accept the thesis that morality is a form of rationality. In other words, Herman argues that within Kant’s practical philosophy all moral principles are rational and when we act in accordance with them we act rationally.
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  11. A potential theory approach to an algorithm of conceptual space partitioning.Roman Urban & Magdalena Grzelińska - 2017 - Cognitive Science 17:1-10.
    This paper proposes a new classification algorithm for the partitioning of a conceptual space. All the algorithms which have been used until now have mostly been based on the theory of Voronoi diagrams. This paper proposes an approach based on potential theory, with the criteria for measuring similarities between objects in the conceptual space being based on the Newtonian potential function. The notion of a fuzzy prototype, which generalizes the previous definition of a prototype, is introduced. Furthermore, the necessary conditions (...)
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  12. How to Tell Whether Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God.Tomas Bogardus & Mallorie Urban - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (2):176-200.
    Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? We answer: it depends. To begin, we clear away some specious arguments surrounding this issue, to make room for the central question: What determines the reference of a name, and under what conditions do names shift reference? We’ll introduce Gareth Evans’s theory of reference, on which a name refers to the dominant source of information in that name’s “dossier,” and we then develop the theory’s notion of dominance. We conclude that whether Muslims’ (...)
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  13. Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Newton’s Fuzzy Potential in an Algorithm of Classification Objects of a Conceptual Space.Adrianna Jagiełło, Piotr Lisowski & Roman Urban - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):389-408.
    This paper deals with Gärdenfors’ theory of conceptual spaces. Let \({\mathcal {S}}\) be a conceptual space consisting of 2-type fuzzy sets equipped with several kinds of metrics. Let a finite set of prototypes \(\tilde{P}_1,\ldots,\tilde{P}_n\in \mathcal {S}\) be given. Our main result is the construction of a classification algorithm. That is, given an element \({\tilde{A}}\in \mathcal {S},\) our algorithm classifies it into the conceptual field determined by one of the given prototypes \(\tilde{P}_i.\) The construction of our algorithm uses some physical analogies (...)
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  14. Predicting urban Heat Island in European cities: A comparative study of GRU, DNN, and ANN models using urban morphological variables.Alireza Attarhay Tehrani, Omid Veisi, Kambiz Kia, Yasin Delavar, Sasan Bahrami, Saeideh Sobhaninia & Asma Mehan - 2024 - Urban Climate 56 (102061):1-27.
    Continued urbanization, along with anthropogenic global warming, has and will increase land surface temperature and air temperature anomalies in urban areas when compared to their rural surroundings, leading to Urban Heat Islands (UHI). UHI poses environmental and health risks, affecting both psychological and physiological aspects of human health. Thus, using a deep learning approach that considers morphological variables, this study predicts UHI intensity in 69 European cities from 2007 to 2021 and projects UHI impacts for 2050 and 2080. (...)
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  15. Urban Residents to Finance Public Parks’ Tree-planting Projects: An Investigation of Biodiversity Loss Consequence Perceptions and Park Visit Frequency.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Hong-Hue Thi Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Public parks play important roles in conserving biodiversity, promoting environmental sustainability, fostering community engagement, and enhancing the overall well-being of residents in urban areas. Nevertheless, finance is needed to maintain and expand the greenspaces in the parks. The current study aims to examine how perceptions of biodiversity loss consequences and park visitation frequency influence the residents’ willingness to contribute financially to tree-planting projects in public parks. Employing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework analytics on a dataset of 535 Vietnamese urban (...)
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  16. Urbanization and Political Development of the World System.Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev - 2013 - Entelequia 15:197-255.
    Section 1 of this article presents a mathematical analysis of the longterm global urbanization dynamics and demonstrates that it could be described as a series of phase transitions between attraction basins. This makes it possible to suggest new approaches to the analysis of global social macroevolution. Section 2 presents a threestage model of the macroevolution of the World System statehood (early – developed – mature state) that, we believe, describes the main features of political macroevolution better than the twostage model (...)
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  17.  86
    Interdisciplinary Urban Interventions: Fostering Social Justice Through Collaborative Research-Led Design in Architectural Education.Asma Mehan & Natalia Dominguez - 2024 - Architecture 4 (4):1136-1156.
    This study aims to examine how interdisciplinary urban interventions within architectural education can effectively address social justice issues. Motivated by the growing need for inclusive and equitable urban spaces, this research explores the potential of collaborative design and participatory research methods to foster social awareness and community engagement. Focusing on student-led projects in cities such as Houston, San Diego, and Amsterdam, this study addresses social justice challenges across themes like Art Activism, Tactical Urbanism, environmental justice, and gender equity. (...)
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  18. Urban Heat Islands in Tirana, Albania. Analysis and Potential Solutions (8th edition).Klodjan Xhexhi - 2024 - Engineering Innovations 8:3-15.
    Cities and towns are expanding and thriving as a result of urbanization, which also significantly changes the local climate. One of the most significant phenomena associated with urbanization is the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. This phenomenon is increasingly being studied worldwide. The paper aims to investigate the UHI phenomenon in the metropolitan area of Tirana, Albania. It analyses the impact of the UHI on four specific locations in Tirana, its causes and mitigation measures, as well as variations in (...)
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  19. Temporalities and the Urban Fabric: Co-Producing Liminal Spaces in Transitional Epochs.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - Uou Scientific Journal (06):116-125.
    Within the framework of 'Temporalities and the Urban Fabric: Co-Producing Liminal Spaces in Transitional Epochs,' this rigorous examination unravels the multilayered nuances of temporality and its intimate relationship with urban spaces in times of transition. The research delineates the intricate interplay between public exhibitions, urban realms, and socio-political paradigms, particularly within the dynamic settings of the metropolitan entities of Houston and Amsterdam. These cities, as epitomes of temporal urban flux, become fertile grounds for exploring the ephemeral (...)
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  20. Городское Пространство: Структурная Онтология Сообществ (Urban Space: Structural Ontology of Communities).Vitalii Shymko - 2020 - SSRN Electronic Journal.
    Russian abstract: В данном сборнике статей раскрывается формирование структурно-онтологического представления о таком явлении, как городское пространство. Наряду с соответствующей концептуализацией, также представлено и объяснено определение городского сообщества. Обоснована логика классификации городских сообществ. А также проанализированы факторы, обуславливающие их устойчивость. -/- English abstract: This collection of articles reveals the formation of a structural-ontological concept of such a phenomenon as urban space. Along with relevant conceptualization, the definition of an urban community is also presented and explained. The logic of classification (...)
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  21. Urban scale digital twins in data-driven society: Challenging digital universalism in urban planning decision-making.Marianna Charitonidou - 2022 - International Journal of Architectural Computing 19:1-16.
    The article examines the impact of the virtual public sphere on how urban spaces are experienced and conceived in our data-driven society. It places particular emphasis on urban scale digital twins, which are virtual replicas of cities that are used to simulate environments and develop scenarios in response to policy problems. The article also investigates the shift from the technical to the socio-technical perspective within the field of smart cities. Despite the aspirations of urban scale digital twins (...)
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  22. URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE PREFERENCES OF TOWNSFOLK: AN EMPIRICAL SURVEY WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL MODEL OF THE CITY.Vitalii Shymko, Daria Vystavkina & Ievgeniia Ivanova - 2020 - Technologies of Intellect Development 4 (2(27)).
    The article presents the results of an interdisciplinary (psychological, behavioral, sociological, urban) survey of residents of elite residential complexes of Odessa regarding theirs urban infrastructure preferences, as well as the degree of satisfaction with their place of residence. It was found that respondents are characterized by a high level of satisfaction with their place of residence. It was also revealed that the security criterion of the district is the main one for choosing a place of residence, which indicates (...)
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    Urban forests: A promising solution for a healthier and more sustainable environment.Manh-Tan Le - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    As global temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more frequent, the focus on urban trees is intensifying. Research highlights their crucial role in mitigating climate change, improving public health, and providing significant economic benefits.
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    Immersive Urban Narratives: Public Urban Exhibit and Mapping Socio-Environmental Justice.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes 6 (2):117–138.
    This research project and exhibit, delves into the complex relationship between public exhibition, urban spaces, and socio-political norms in shaping urban thresholds within the two American and European metropolitan cities of Houston and Amsterdam. This study also investigates the transformative power of new media and emerging technologies in the production, circulation, and consumption of design, offering fresh perspectives on the influence of these technologies on urban design studies and digitally augmented physical spaces. By merging interdisciplinary research areas, (...)
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  25. Urban Surveillance: The Hidden Costs of Disneyland.Timothy Stanley - 2006 - International Journal of the Humanities 3 (8):117-24.
    Urban centers are being transformed into consumer tourist playgrounds made possible by dense networks of surveillance. The safety and entertainment however, come at an unseen price. One of the historical roots of surveillance can be connected to the modern information base of tracking individuals for economic and political reasons. Though its antecedents can be traced via Foucault's account of panoptic discipline which walled in society's outcasts for rehabilitation, the following essay explores the shift to the urban panopticism of (...)
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  26. Decolonizing the notion of 'Urban Commons' to mitigate the fragility of contemporary cities.Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Proceedings of the International Conference: Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience. London: Counterarchitecture, in collaboration with UEL and Arup. pp. 94-97.
    In recent years, the international commons movement has increasingly joined forces with the global movement of municipalities, putting common ideas on the political agenda in many western countries. Commons have been widely discussed in literature. Broadly understood, commons refers to the practices for collective development, ownership, management, and fair access to resources and artifacts (social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and technological). However, the concept remains vague, complex, and unclear, especially when it comes to different contexts in which new definitions are (...)
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  27.  48
    Social Sustainability In Urban Context: Concepts, Definitions, And Principles.Asma Mehan & Farzaneh Soflaei - 2017 - In Manuel Couceiro da Costa, Filipa Roseta, Joana Pestana Lagas & Susana Couceiro da Costa (eds.), Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges Volume 1. London, UK: CRC Press. pp. 293-299.
    This paper focuses on the concept of urban social sustainability to explore main themes and dimensions by a comprehensive comparative overview. The first objective of this research is to clarify the social sustainability definitions, principles and frameworks through reviewing the existing literature. Later, it attempts to recognize the major factors affecting social sustainability in urban context focusing on satisfaction of human needs. As a result, to connect between theory and practice, Maslow hierarchy of needs has been chosen on (...)
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  28. Emerging technologies in urban design pedagogy: augmented reality applications.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2024 - Architectural Intelligence 3 (1):1-14.
    In the contemporary era of urban design, the advent of big data and digital technologies has ushered in innovative approaches to exploring urban spaces. This study focuses on the application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Extended Reality (XR) technologies in the metropolitan areas of Houston and Amsterdam. These technologies create immersive 'Phygital Installations' that blend physical and digital elements, effectively capturing people's perceptions and enhancing urban design proposals. By fostering human-centered planning, AR and XR technologies make (...) design more interactive and accessible to the public. Houston, with its rapid industrial growth and diverse socio-economic landscape, provides a unique setting to examine the impacts of these technologies on urban form and socio-environmental dynamics. In contrast, Amsterdam, with its rich historical layers and socio-cultural diversity, offers insights into the integration of AR/XR technologies in urban planning, particularly in the realm of historical preservation and contemporary urban development. This research contributes to the emerging field of AR/XR in urban design by highlighting the transformative potential of these technologies in enhancing the understanding and engagement in urban design and spatial planning. (shrink)
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  29. European urban (counter)terrorism's spacetimematterings: More-than-human materialisations in situationscaping times.Evelien Geerts, Katharina Karcher, Yordanka Dimcheva & Mireya Toribio Medina - 2023 - In Alice Martini & Raquel Da Silva (eds.), Contemporary Reflections on Critical Terrorism Studies. Routledge. pp. 31-52.
    Infusing contemporary critical terrorism studies (CTS) with concepts and methodologies from philosophy and critical theory via a Baradian posthumanist agential realist perspective and (counter)terrorist cases and vignettes, this chapter argues for a retheorisation of (counter)terrorism. It does so, firstly, by reconceptualising terrorism and counterterrorism as complex assemblages consisting not only of discursive-material components – an entanglement now largely accepted within CTS and critical security studies (CSS) – but also of affective layers and more-than-human phenomena. Secondly, by analysing European urban (...)
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  30. Urban Agriculture and Environmental Imagination.Samantha Noll - 2019 - In Joseph S. Biehl, Samantha Noll & Sharon M. Meagher (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of the City. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 100-130.
    While we are currently experiencing a renaissance in philosophical work on agriculture and food ( Barnhill, Budolfson, & Doggett 2016 ; Thompson 2015 ; Kaplan 2012 ), these topics were common sources of discussion throughout the three-thousand-year history of Western thought. For example, the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (2014 ) explored connections between fulfi lling human promise and systems of agriculture ( Thompson & Noll 2015 ) and Hippocrates (1923 ) stressed the importance of cultivating agricultural products provided by nature (...)
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  31. Blue Infrastructures: An Exploration of Oceanic Networks and Urban–Industrial–Energy Interactions in the Gulf of Mexico.Asma Mehan & Zachary S. Casey - 2023 - Sustainability 15 (18):1-14.
    Urban infrastructures serve as the backbone of modern economies, mediating global exchanges and responding to urban demands. Yet, our comprehension of these complex structures, particularly within diverse socio-political terrain, remains fragmented. In bridging this knowledge gap, this study delves into “boundary objects”—entities enabling diverse stakeholders to collaborate without a comprehensive consensus. Central to our investigation is the hypothesis that oceanic infrastructural developments are instrumental in molding the interface of urban, industrial, and energy sectors within marine contexts. Our (...)
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  32. History Lessons: What Urban Environmental Ethics Can Learn from Nineteenth Century Cities.Samantha Noll - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):143-159.
    In this paper, I outline valuable insights that current theorists working in urban environmental ethics can gain from the analysis of nineteenth century urban contexts. Specifically, I argue that an analysis of urban areas during this time reveals two sets of competing metaphysical commitments that, when accepted, shift both the design of urban environments and our relationship with the natural world in these contexts. While one set of metaphysical commitments could help inform current projects in (...) environmental ethics, the second “de-animalized” or “cleansed” commitments that influenced the structure of post-nineteenth century urban areas could potentially harm projects in urban environmental ethics. Thus we need to be particularly careful when choosing a metaphysical base for our current urban environmental ethics, as, depending on your specific project, implicitly accepting certain commitments could inadvertently work against the overall goals of the project. (shrink)
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    Urban Regeneration: A Comprehensive Strategy For Achieving Social Sustainability in Historical Squares.Asma Mehan - 2016 - In Adrian Boldisor (ed.), 3rd INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS S G E M 2 0 1 6 ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Sofia: STEF92 Technology. pp. 861-868.
    An influencing paradigm which presented as an integrated approach in social, cultural, environmental and economical dimensions is the concept of sustainable Urban Regeneration, which tries to resolve urban challenges, environmental crises and development problems for enhancing quality of life and creating balance between Growth, Preservation and Regeneration. However in recent years social sustainability has gained increased recognition as a fundamental component of sustainable development, beginning to receive political and institutional endorsement within the Urban Regeneration agenda. The first (...)
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  34. The Role of Urban Morphology Design on Enhancing Physical Activities and Public Health.Sadeq Fathi, Hassan Sajadzadeh, Faezeh Mohammadi Sheshkal, Farshid Aram, Gergo Pinter, Imre Felde & Amir Mosavi - manuscript
    Along with environmental pollutions, urban planning has been connected to public health. The research indicates that the quality of built environments plays an important role in reducing mental disorders and overall health. The structure and shape of the city are considered as one of the factors influencing happiness and health in urban communities and the type of the daily activities of citizens. The aim of this study was to promote physical activity in the main structure of the city (...)
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    Reconnecting urban residents with nature through aesthetic and biodiverse experiences.Thi Mai Anh Tran - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    Cities grow, and green spaces shrink, leaving urban residents feeling increasingly disconnected from the natural world. Yet, simple additions like houseplants, community gardens, and pets in urban environments can help bridge this gap, fostering a stronger connection to nature and supporting biodiversity conservation. A recent study highlights an interesting connection between urban residents’ perceptions of plant and pet diversity in their homes and their beliefs about biodiversity loss. The research suggests that the aesthetic experiences created by plants (...)
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  36. Urbanization Pull Indices Affecting Small-Sized Business Sustainability in Calabar Metropolis.Stephen Bepeh Undie, Gina A. Agbogo & Godwin Pius - 2023 - Prestige Journal of Counselling Psychology 6 (1):40-53.
    This study investigated the effect of urbanization pull indices on the viability of small businesses in the Calabar Metropolis. The investigation was guided by two objectives, two research questions, and two null hypotheses. The study covered 3001 small scale business operators, comprising 2,800 Operators of Manufacturing Industry (OMIs) and 201 Operators of Service Industry (OSIs). A total of 352 participants was the sample of the study. The Taro Yamane formula was used to generate the sample. The Urbanization Pull Indices and (...)
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    Improving Urban Planning and Smart City Initiatives with Artificial Intelligence.Stubb Joanson - manuscript
    The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted urban environments, facilitating the development of smart cities. This paper examines how AI technologies are reshaping urban ecosystems by fostering innovation and promoting sustainability. It explores the integration of AI in critical sectors such as transportation, energy management, waste management, and governance. The study also addresses challenges, including data privacy, ethical considerations, and the digital divide, offering insights into future research and policy directions. Smart cities serve as testbeds for (...)
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  38. Urban Planning in historic old fabrics of the cities.Bita Jamalpour - 2006 - In همایش شهر برتر، طرح برتر. Hamedan, Hamadan Province, Iran:
    این نوشتار، در پی ارائه روشی جهت مداخله در بافتهای کهن شهری است. بدین منظور از چهارگروه "داده" استفاده می شود : منشورها و قطعنامه های جهانی، اندیشه های جهانی، تجربیات کشورها و اقدامات مداخله ای انجام شده در ایران. سپس با تدوین انگاره اصلی پژوهش از یکسو و وضعیت موجود کشور ایران در زمینه مداخله در بافت های کهن از سوی دیگر، از سه گروه داده اول(منشورها و قطعنامه های جهانی، اندیشه های جهانی، تجربیات کشورها) اصول عملی استخراج می (...)
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  39. Exploring predictors of donation willingness for urban public parks in Vietnam: Socio-demographic factors, motivations, and visitation frequency.Thi Mai Anh Tran, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Manh Tan Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Rapid urbanization in Vietnam significantly impacts the environment and human well-being. Public parks are crucial for enhancing social and environmental sustainability in urban areas, yet their establishment and expansion require substantial funding. This study investigates the factors influencing Vietnamese urban residents’ willingness to donate to planting projects in public parks, utilizing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), which combines Mindsponge Theory’s informational entropy-based notion of value with Bayesian analysis. Analyzing data from 535 residents in major Vietnamese cities, we found (...)
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  40. Re‑Narrating Radical Cities over Time and through Space: Imagining Urban Activism through Critical Pedagogical Practices.Asma Mehan - 2023 - Architecture 3 (1):92-103.
    Radical cities have historically been hotbeds of transformative paradigms, political changes, activism, and social movements, and have given rise to visionary ideas, utopian projects, revolutionary ideologies, and debates. These cities have served as incubators for innovative ideas, idealistic projects, revolutionary philosophies, and lively debates. The streets, squares, and public spaces of radical cities have been the backdrop for protests, uprisings, and social movements that have had both local and global significance. This research project aims to explore and reimagine radical cities (...)
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  41. The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization.David Harvey - 1987 - Science and Society 51 (1):121-125.
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  42. “Tabula Rasa” planning: creative destruction and building a new urban identity in Tehran.Asma Mehan - 2017 - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 41 (3):210-220.
    The concept of Tabula Rasa, as a desire for sweeping renewal and creating a potential site for the construction of utopian dreams, is presupposition of Modern Architecture. Starting from the middle of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, Iranian urban and architectural history has been integrated with modernization, and western-influenced modernity. The case of Tehran as the Middle Eastern political capital is the main scene for the manifestation of modernity within it’s urban projects (...)
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  43. Urban Green Areas: History, Concepts and Ecological Importance.Tatiane Tagliatti Maciel & Bruno Corrêa Barbosa - 2015 - CES Revista 29 (1):30-42.
    The constant changes in the landscape caused mainly by the urban expansion process, have led to the destruction, fragmentation and isolation of natural habitats, with consequent damage to biodiversity. Recognized as potential "refuges" for biodiversity, urban areas have received great attention to the conservation of animals in addition to exercising functions of aesthetic and recreational. In this context, urban vegetation receives different nomenclatures are used interchangeably as synonyms, when in reality, in many cases, are not. In order (...)
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    CONCLUSUSThe article is devoted to the Beguinal urban culture in the 13th-century Low Countries. It points out that the phenomenon of the Begijnhof is an implementation of the biblical idea of the hortus conclusus. Architecture and safe localization of the beguinages inside the city walls created the unique cultural and economic space for the development of the Beguinal movement. Beguinages organized the space for the common being of women and gave them an opportunity for safe intellectual and manual work (...)
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  45. An Intergenerational Approach to Urban Futures: Introducing the Concept of Aesthetic Sustainability.Sanna Lehtinen - 2020 - In Arto Haapala, Beata Frydrykczak & Mateusz Salwa (eds.), Moving From Landscapes To Cityscapes And Back: Theoretical And Applied Approaches To Human Environments. pp. 111–119.
    The experienced quality of urban environments has not traditionally been at the forefront of understanding how cities evolve through time. Within the humanistic tradition, the temporal dimension of cities has been dealt with through tracing urban or architectural histories or interpreting science-fiction scenarios, for example. However, attempts at understanding the relation between currently existing components of cities and planning based on them, towards the future, has not captured the experience of the temporal layers of cities to a satisfying (...)
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  46. Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development.Simone Tappert, Asma Mehan, Pekka Tuominen & Zsuzsanna Varga - 2024 - Urban Planning 9:1-6.
    Today’s exponential advancement of information and communication technologies is reconfiguring participatory urban development practices. The use of digital technology implies new forms of decentralised governance, collaborative knowledge production, and social activism. The digital transformation has the potential to overcome shortcomings in citizen participation, make participatory processes more deliberative, and enable collaborative approaches for making cities. While digital tools such as digital mapping, e‐participation platforms, location‐based games, and social media offer new opportunities for the various actors and may act as (...)
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  47. Building eco-surplus culture among urban inhabitants as a novel strategy to improve finance for conservation in protected areas.Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Thomas E. Jones - 2022 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9:426.
    The rapidly declining biosphere integrity, representing one of the core planetary boundaries, is alarming. One of the most widely accepted measures to halt the rate of biodiversity loss is to maintain and expand protected areas that are effectively managed. However, it requires substantial finance derived from nature-based tourism, specifically visitors from urban areas. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) on 535 Vietnamese urban residents, the current study examined how their biodiversity loss perceptions can affect their willingness to pay (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Urban residents’ support for biodiversity conservation starts from childhood!Minh-Hieu Thi Nguyen - 2023 - Sm3D Science Portal.
    Protecting rare native species in protected areas is not enough to assist biodiversity conservation; establishing green spaces in urban areas for children to engage with and learn about nature (animal, plant) is also a more sustainable choice since it helps build up an eco-surplus culture among urban residents.
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  49. Multiplying Resistance: the power of the urban in the age of national revanchism.Asma Mehan & Ugo Rossi - 2019 - In Jeff Malpas & Keith Jacobs (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of the City: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 233-244.
    In this chapter, we evaluate the politically generative dynamic of urban space. Notably, we put forward the notion of the ‘multiplier effect’ of the urban, referring to its ingrained tendency to multiply resistance to oppression and violence being exerted against subaltern groups and minorities and, in doing so, to turn this multiplied resistance into an active force of social change. We, therefore, look at the twofold valence of ‘resistance’: negative and affirmative. Resistance initially takes form as a defensive (...)
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  50. Comparative study to assessment of depression of undergraduate male and female students located in urban area in duration of Covid-19.Ajay Bangar - manuscript
    This work has done aiming to find out the effect of Covid -19 on the level of Anxiety and level of depression among the undergraduate students who live and study in urban area. As we know that during pandemic situation all classes for schools and colleges has been performed online .This mode of education has come in practice first time in life of students. Hence a level of depression and anxiety may develop in mind of under graduate college going (...)
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